216 RPC2_BPP22 This protein allows the phage to reside inactively in the chromosome of its host bacterium. This lysogenic state is maintained by binding of regulatory protein C2 to the OR and OL operators, preventing transcription of proteins necessary for lytic development. :PTM: In the mature form of the repressor protein the initiator methionine is deformylated. Repressor protein C2 MNTQLMGERIRARRKKLKIRQAALGKMVGVSNVAISQWERSETEPNGENLLALSKALQCSPDYLLKGDLSQTNVAYHSRHEPRGSYPLISWVSAGQWMEAVEPYHKRAIENWHDTTVDCSEDSFWLDVQGDSMTAPAGLSIPEGMIILVDPEVEPRNGKLVVAKLEGENEATFKKLVMDAGRKFLKPLNPQYPMIEINGNCKIIGVVVDAKLANLP C2